Red Dot Communication Design Award - Gold
For the project “Universum der Ozeane” in the category online / offline application.
ZDF – Ocean Worlds
Mainz, Germany
Hosoya Schaefer Architects AG, Zürich
Direct commission
Markus Schaefer, Isabelle Bentz
Patrik Svensson, Marcin Ignac, Jorgen Skogmo
Christoph Frei, CHKY, Bern
Gruppe5 Filmproduktion, Cologne; Luxx Studios, Stuttgart
shiftcontrol studios, Kopenhagen; Unity Studios, Aarhus
This online application was prepared for to complement the three-part documentary film “Universum der Ozeane “ (The Universe of the Oceans) with Frank Schätzing on ZDF television. Faced with the challenge of developing a simple online feature, Hosoya Schaefer and Shiftcontrol prepared a full-fledged online game in which users explore the underwater world with a dive robot and five different creatures or avatars. Through various missions and explorations in habitats like the polar seas, the open ocean, the kelp forest, or the deep sea, visitors get a glimpse of the complex dependencies that make the oceans such a thriving ecosphere and an important basis for all existence on earth. The application is essentially a large, immersive information graphic that explains systematic relationships in the oceans. It is activated and enlivened by a story and interactive game tasks.
For the project “Universum der Ozeane” in the category online / offline application.
For the project “Universum der Ozeane” in the category online / offline application.
The application "Universum der Ozeane" is nominated for the Design Preis Deutschland.
For the project “Universum der Ozeane”.