Porta Noricum
KID, Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Office, Hotel, Retail, Housing, Common Spaces
150.000 sqm
Hosoya Schaefer Architects AG, Zürich
Invited competition: 1st Prize ex aequo. Commissioned for further development
ARUP, London
Raumgleiter GmbH, Zurich
The project is based on a composition of various building structures and functions forming the masterplan guidelines for the site. The program consists of office, hotel, retail and housing functions. The aim is to create three different zones which are connected to one entity:
A new public square enclosed by two high rise buildings alongside the main road, the retail wedge as connecting element between public square and housing ring with office functions on top and the more private housing zone as a broken up ring. The two towers form the new landmark for the development at the important intersection of Celovška street and main ring road. An important element is the connectivtiy through and on top of the built structure. The retail roof is interpret as a public space and part of the connectivity among the various functions.