Inselspital Bern
Amt für Grundstücke und Gebäude, Kanton Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Hospital, University, Congress
600.000 sqm
Hosoya Schaefer Architects AG, Zürich
Competition with pre-qualification
Edzard Schultz, Heinle Wischer und Partner, Berlin
Peter Berchtold, College M, Bern
IBV W. Hüsler AG, Zurich
Gartenmann Engineering AG, Bern
Rendertaxi, Aachen
This masterplan competition was organized by the department of real estate and buildings of canton Bern together with the hospital “Insel”. Hosoya Schaefer Architects were one of nine international offices that pre-qualified for the competition.
The proposal is based on the original organization of the area by the first hospital in the Kreuzmatt area in 1885. The clinical functions are concentrated in the central area and made accessible with short paths. The building volumes are organized in clearly readable rows that follow the rising terrain in terraces. These rows are connected with a strong perpendicular axis, which follows the original axis of the hospital complex. This organization results in a layering of building volumes from ambulant and clinical areas with addresses along the public space to the INO buildings with emergency, surgery and logistics. The new wards are located over an extensive treatment area in the clinical section (“diagnostic band”). This diagnostic band serves as a switch that allows for functional as well as central based organization forms. Because of this, the outpatient clinics are situated behind the operating rooms, intensive care unit, and emergency room.
Paths and exterior terraces are located between the rows of buildings, in front of which various public outdoor areas – individualized green spaces and plazas – are situated. Each of these outdoor spaces forms an ensemble with the historic buildings, which assume new social and identity-forming functions.
The research buildings marked by the research (light) tower to the north are arranged along Friedbühlstrasse. To the east, the new city hospital marks the entrance to the hospital grounds and serves as the first point of entry. To the west, the island park will be renovated to create a convention and education zone with high spatial and identitydefining quality. The education center mediates between the clinic, convention center, and city and functions as a hinge to make a variety of functional scenarios possible.