
Heidelberg Innovation Park




Stadtplanungsamt of the City of Heidelberg


Heidelberg, Germany


Innovation and production park, housing


15 ha / 235’000 sqm GFA


Invited competition, 1st prize.
Further commission on outline planning


Hosoya Schaefer Architects AG


Agence Ter

aerial PHOTO:

Kay Sommer


Heidelberg Innovation park


The spot to collaborate and cooperate

Conversion of the former Patton Barracks – from a military base to Heidelberg Innovation Park

The former US military base Patton Barracks will become an innovation and production park and create a new link between the cities of Weststadt and Kirchheim, Bahnstadt and Südstadt. It will also establish a new connection between the city and the landscape. Starting from the existing connectivity and building stock, the master plan identifies three distinct zones which provide a wide range of spatial qualities specifically arranged to create diversity, identity and connectivity.

The combination of reuse, transformation and extension of the historic fabric to the east – ­consisting of The Barracks and The Maker Space – are contrasted with the new large-scale cluster called Innovation Campus to the west. Both spatial configurations are connected through a diversely articulated band of exterior spaces – Innovation Alley, Patton Square and Patton Park – which maximize the potential and productive exchange.

This spatial disposition enables a healthy mix of temporary and long-term uses which make the integration of stakeholders from various scales and diverse backgrounds possible. The plan creates an outline for sustainable combination of top down and bottom up processes which is vital to nourishing a resilient ecology of innovation.

The existing barracks to the east are transformed by a step by step process into a multi-purpose small-scale and well-connected urban district. To the north the spatially generous Innovation Campus is located and to the south the flexible and diverse Barracks and Maker Space. To the west, the former motor-pool area provides space for “Innovation Industry” through a generous and flexible spatial grid. This is complemented by “The Hub” consisting of groups of partly organic and partly solitary settlements in a park-like setting. The sports hall to the south-west provides public visibility and identity whilst creating a gateway to the southern sports fields which are interwoven with the local programs. This recreational area forms an important part in the diverse spatial fabric that ties the transformed area together and embeds it into the surroundings.

After winning the invited competition consisting of a three-day urban design atelier and a finalization phase, Hosoya Schaefer Architects refined the ideas and requirements for the redevelopment of the area. They worked closely with the City of Heidelberg and its citizens alongside representatives of the regional and local economy, scientists and tech companies and created a ratified urban design project.



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