Deep Urbanism
Zürich, Switzerland
Markus Schaefer
“Deep Urbanism” is the discipline of the relationships – the connections and connectedness – that generate a complex system of people and their material, technological and symbolic culture acting on a territory with its specific emergent dynamics and externalities.
Deep Urbanism is a working hypothesis developed over several years, providing a frame for the many practical, theoretical, even philosophical questions we are confronted with when working on cities and discussing urbanism. This theory, together with a growing collection of video lectures, are featured on and a YouTube channel. The website and its lectures are a book project in progress, at any moment already a product in itself and yet at the same time a lab and a staging site for a more complete project in the making. The work can be looked at in segments, loosely organized along traditional disciplinary boundaries. The argument, however, is the whole – urbanism as technology and practice of connectedness, defining us and our collective future in manifold ways.