1st rank – Area development Railway Station Herisau

Hosoya Schaefer Architects won the competition for the new station square and the station area development in Herisau, Switzerland organized by municipality Herisau and the canton Appenzell. The results of the process will be on display in the Altes Zeughaus in Herisau until April 24, 2014.

For more about the project, please click here.



Zürich office

Flüelastrasse 10, 8048 Zürich, Switzerland (Google Maps)
T. +41 43 243 6313 F.

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Kyoto office

Jimukinoueda bldg. 603, 21 Sakaicho, Gojo-Takakurakado, Shimogyoku, Kyoto 600-8191, Japan
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